ABP Network celebrated Doctors’ Day with special programming initiatives


On the occasion of Doctors’ Day, ABP Network saluted Indian medical professionals for their meaningful contributions towards the fight against Covid-19 through special programming initiatives on ABP News, ABP Majha, ABP Ananda, and ABP Ganga.

ABP News hosted the third edition of India v/s Corona e-Conclave. With an aim to understand the impact of COVID-19 in India and paving the way forward for vaccination in our country, this e-conclave delved into various crucial themes pertaining to the pandemic. ABP Majha and ABP Ananda, on the other hand, conducted a panel discussion on similar themes. ABP Ganga conducted interactions with doctors and key political leaders for its Doctors’ Day special programming. In the ongoing fight against COVID-19, healthcare workers and medical professionals have worked tirelessly to save lives by staking their own. Their service towards the society has been unparalleled. The speakers on the conclave of ABP News, therefore, were those who are leading the fight against

In the first edition of India v/s Corona e-conclave, ABP News had looked at the Covid-19 situation from a healthcare perspective. The sessions on this edition not only provided expert advice to the viewers on how to best fight against the pandemic, but also highlighted the steps being taken to combat the crisis at the national level. The second edition, on the other hand, was all about Indian businesses & corporates and how they have been fighting against the pandemic with compassion &innovation.

Owing to the success of the first two editions, ABP News conducted another edition of the India v/s Corona e-conclave on the occasion of Doctors’ day. The special programming on ABP Majha, ABP Ananda, and ABP Ganga also witnessed conversations on doctors, medical professionals, and healthcare workers who have selflessly led the fight against Covid-19. These channels also initiated discussions on India’s next big challenge – the implementation of the national vaccination drive.

Speaking about the special offerings, Mr. Avinash Pandey, CEO, ABP Network said, “The contribution and commitment of our doctors and medical workers towards the welfare of humanity has been unparalleled during the course of this pandemic. Our special programming on the occasion of Doctors’ Day is an ode to their tireless efforts. Plus, as the threat of the third wave has alerted our nation, it is crucial to talk about the steps that need to be taken to defeat COVID-19. We hope our viewers found these special programming initiatives to be helpful in understanding the significance and urgency of vaccination.”

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