Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd., India’s leading SUV manufacturer, has teamed up with acclaimed artists Santanu Hazarika and Abhishek Paatni of Nought One to launch an exclusive streetwear collection. This new line draws its inspiration from the design and colors of the Mahindra XUV 3XO. The collection was unveiled at the XUV 3XO ‘Tech Fashion Tour,’ an Exhibit Property event held in Mumbai today, highlighting Mahindra’s innovative approach to engaging with new-age customers.
The streetwear collection incorporates distinctive design elements from the XUV 3XO, such as its signature diamond inserts and logo, seamlessly integrating these features into the apparel. This unique fusion aims to captivate young consumers who have a passion for both contemporary fashion and cutting-edge automotive design.
Pratap Bose, Chief Design and Creative Officer, Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd., said, “Today, we are excited to showcase a collection that brings together our passion for innovation across our authentic SUV range with the dynamic world of fashion. The new XUV 3XO is the latest expression of Mahindra’s HEARTCORE Design philosophy. Designed to stand out from the crowd, the XUV 3XO takes the premium compact SUV to new heights of Design, Technology, and Innovation. This collection not only reflects the bold and distinctive features of the XUV 3XO but also complementsthe lifestyle and values of our younger consumers. Through this collaboration with Santanu and Nought One, whose work is always at the cutting edge of design and fashion, we are reaching out to new audiences and exploring new forms of expression.”
Santanu Hazarika and Abhishek Paatni said, “We are thrilled to partner with Mahindra on this unique project. This collaboration with the XUV 3XO is a perfect blend of our streetwear aesthetic with the standout design of this modern SUV. It’s an exciting challenge to translate automotive innovation into fashion, and we believe our customers will appreciate the creativity and authenticity behind each piece. This partnership reflects futuristic, functional clothing which blends with the aesthetics of the new age and a progressive future.”
This collaboration with Santanu Hazarika and Abhishek Paatni represents a new direction for Mahindra, connecting with a broader audience through fashion and lifestyle. For more details stay tuned on Mahindra’s social media channels for future updates.