George Kovoor has been named the Chief Creative Officer at Wavemaker India. Kovoor will be based in Bangalore and report to Wavemaker’s CEO for South Asia, Ajay Gupte. Kovoor joins Wavemaker after working for Ogilvy for eight years as the digital lead for the Mumbai and South operations.
Speaking about the appointment, Ajay Gupte said, “We are witnessing an exciting phase of transformation in the media industry where traditional methods are challenged at every step. Data, Content and Technology have always been the three key pillars at Wavemaker and we have all experienced the magic when these three ingredients are used in the right proportion. In his previous roles, Kovoor has played an instrumental role in integrating mainline and digital creative teams. He enjoys an incredible reputation in the creative industry for his impressive work which has been recognised at local and global platforms. With George coming in as the Chief Creative Officer, I am quite confident about taking our creative offerings a notch higher.”
Over the years, Kovoor has led creative teams across advertising agencies like Lintas, FCB, Digitas LBi and Ogilvy among others. His work has been recognised in numerous international and domestic award shows, and he has served on several award juries.
Talking about his new role, Kovoor said, “I am actually struggling to put into words exactly how excited I am with my new role. It gives me the opportunity to join a team of digital experts who have been shaping customer experiences while creating ideas that are driven by both data and technology . In the last few years Wavemaker has created content that is both disruptive and award winning. I am very excited by Wavemaker’s vision of the future and hope to contribute significantly in turning the vision into reality.”
Kovoor has spent the last 8 years at Ogilvy, during this time he has helped shape the digital teams in Mumbai, Gurgaon and Bangalore. In addition to his professional accomplishments, Kovoor is a faculty member at the Miami Ad School in Bangalore, where he shares his knowledge and expertise with the next generation of advertising professionals. He also has a passion for movies, sports, and gaming.