Samay Singh Modi who emerged as the winner of The Player Hunt Season 2, India’s first poker reality show by Poker High has come on board as the mentor for Season 3.
Samay Singh Modi (age 27) , a resident of Mumbai and an actor by profession was eliminated on day one in Season 2 but won a lifeline given by host Rannvijay Singha after hearing the story of the impact of poker on his life and went on to win the show with his poker and extra curricular skills.
Samay has also assisted in the production, direction and post production teams on Ayan Mukherjee’s Brahmastra movie. Following this , he participated in The Player Hunt Season 2 to showcase his poker skills. Player Hunt saw true potential in him, helped him horn his poker skill further. Post winning Player Hunt season 2, Samay went to win several major poker tournaments in India and abroad.
Samay went on to win Season 2 and shared how poker has played a critical role in his life. Coming from humble background, Samay always enjoyed playing poker while trying to get work in the Indian film industry. The money Samay earned by playing poker helped him to pay his brother’s education fees and take care of his family’s need.
Speaking on the announcement, Samay Singh Modi shared, “ I am so grateful to pokerhigh for first giving me a platform and now this great honour. I owe a lot to this game and what a better way to give back the poker community and The Player Hunt Season 3 than coming on board as a mentor. Am looking forward to meet the contestants and hear their story and help them better their game. Am sure there are more Samay’s like e out there who will achieve his/ her dreams.”
Hosted by celebrity VJ and actor Rannvijay Singha, said, ” This feels like déjà vu to me. I am so proud of Samay and we are very happy to have him on board as a mentor.Player Hunt did see his capabilities as a poker player and we believe he has great potential to mentor other poker players in their journey .”
Speaking on the release of the show, Gaurav Gaggar, promoter of pokerhigh said, ” I have said this before and I am saying this again, poker is a game for everyone. With Samay coming on board, it shows how poker helps you to realise your dream and chase for more. We believe he is capable of mentoring other emerging poker players and we wish him the very best.”